Monday, December 13, 2010

Wait for you

C#, a programming language that make me faint.
After studied the book that borrow from library,
the information that given still not enough for me, I even can't find the answer that I want..
(some more was expired already,don't know how many will be charged )
Felt regret because didn't borrow the C# reference book from my friend.
That one was last time when I attended the MDEC training,
the company free to us.
Is really useful for me now..
Cannot blamed others, it's all by myself, my fault.

how can I manage to learn all those coding in this holiday?
Need to study by myself, without any help from lecturer, supervisor...
regret + helpless ~
This is a mission impossible.
Impossible I can achieve this mission....:(
But, now it is not the time to hesitate anymore,
I need save my time to do research on those coding.
I just can say that I will learn as more as possible about coding in this holiday.
At least I done the database part. I think this task should be complete in this holiday.

C#, you are so extraordinary for me, I do love you, so please come to find, so that we can improve our relationship~come~
hopefully tonight can meet you in my dream~


newyep~☆ said...

dont feel hopeless.. u can find the answer on internet,eventhough u did not have the book, the msdn website got all the tutorial u can find there and learn there.. dont worry~
should say to urself u can solve it~ :)

hehe.. i also havent start develop my system lo...

美婷 said...

I olso struggling in learning genetic algorithm..Haiz

Hopefully, i can help u if i master my GA.

Gambatte ya my roommate~~

牡羊座的我~ said...

wen, ya, I have learn through msdn, there have too many source, until I don't knw hw to start~XP
but, as u said, I can solve it..:)

牡羊座的我~ said...

ting, you said=no said lo...==!!

美婷 said...

Nothing is impossible.

I really hav heart to help u, u say me: "said=no said"...


牡羊座的我~ said...

ting, I am just kidding,dun put in heart ya~^^

咖啡 said...

Come n ask me lo.. i do learn the basic of C#. haha.

Alonso Yoong said...

sorry i cant hep u on this subject haha...others subject maybe yes...

Chin Ren said...

I also stuck in my mobile project too :(
Whatever, I believe we can solve the problem at last! ganbatte ne! Just have faith in yourself!

牡羊座的我~ said...

cafe-ton, dun want lo, ltr i ask u C#, u teach me how to draw using C++, I will vomit blood~XP

牡羊座的我~ said...

fatt, one subject can make me "die" le, no more others subject le lo...T.T

牡羊座的我~ said...

zidane, ya, I think we can can solve at last, but need to do until midnight o~XP

SHELL said...

gambate lou tai (:


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