2011, the new year is coming soon.
What's on your mind now?
"There just left 15days in 2010.
My dream in this year cannot be achieve, postpone to next year"
"There still have 15days in 2010.
I still have 15days to accomplish my dream which I wish in this year."
Of course.The answer is all depends on you.
In every deep within each heart,
there lies a magic spark which lights the fire of our dream.
We cannot let that light gradually disappear although we fall down many times.
There have a Chinese quote:
"Where you fall, get up from there"
We must learn from lesson to bring us closer to the dream.
Who knows, maybe one day your dream will come true?
There's so much strength in all of us, no matter woman, child or man,
at this moment you think "You can't"
but, with the power of dream, you'll discover that "You can"
Once a day, when you know the power of dream,
you'll know that it'll give you the courage of embrace your fear.
remember no matter where you are,
to reach your own star, you must have a dream!
What's ur drem?
secret~if tell you that not considered as dream lo~
who say drem is a secret..?? Drem is sumting that u cant achieve, coz it is really a drem. u jz can drem. but u can achieve ur target that u already set. gambate ya..
True, if we never chase our dream we will never catch them :D
new year mean new step, new hope, and bright future haha...
cafe-ton, I do know the meaning of dream..
without any action is call dream, with action is call target.
but, now the problem is my dream just can achieve when i have income, cause no money no dream~
max, agree!must be brave to catch them~^^
fatt, new year means like a new baby come to this work, it give the world a new hope. haha~
wish our dreams all come true in 2011 (:
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