Actually quite busy after starting my new semester. Opps..I think some of you all also same with me right?
Try to refresh back, what i have done 2 month before? emmmm...............................................................let's start!
Before start the short semester break, my mother was came to my place, i brought her went around at my uni...hehe..but due to lack of time, so just manage to bring her go to library have a look..^^
Try to refresh back, what i have done 2 month before? emmmm...............................................................let's start!
Before start the short semester break, my mother was came to my place, i brought her went around at my uni...hehe..but due to lack of time, so just manage to bring her go to library have a look..^^
Cure treat fashion show was my good experience, this was the first time i stood in front of a lot of people, with my new hair style that set by our hair stylist. Actually i cannot adapt to the hair, because this was too exaggeration. but, as a professional model, haha..i just accept it lo...==!!
After start the new semester, me and one of my housemate, shelyn was go to have a partime work. Just like the photo shown, we are selling the canon digital camera. This job was suitable for us since we both also like to take photo. hehe..guess how many photo that we take within 3 days...there are almost 200!!! but for us, we still thinking this are not enough lo...==!!!
After that was the welcoming new intake student, this program was make me super tired. Before that day, i slept at 3am, and the next day need to gather at hall before 7am. However, i am enjoy the program. Congratulation to all the committee, because the cooperation of your all, only the program can held with successful!Cheer up!!

1st August, shelyn's birthday. Actually we want to give her a surprise, but finally fail. This is because she know our "style" already. Quite disappointed because can't make her cry. Next year we will add oil!must make her cry once!haha...Happy belated birthday to her...^^
Cure treat fashion show was my good experience, this was the first time i stood in front of a lot of people, with my new hair style that set by our hair stylist. Actually i cannot adapt to the hair, because this was too exaggeration. but, as a professional model, haha..i just accept it lo...==!!
hehe, after that was the time to change my hair style, the cost was so expensive, is RM250...include curly and dye. haha, at first really can't accept it, me and shelyn were hide at downstairs around 15min, scare our housemate laugh us..hehe, but luckily, they said was quite good. >< ====================================================================
After that was the welcoming new intake student, this program was make me super tired. Before that day, i slept at 3am, and the next day need to gather at hall before 7am. However, i am enjoy the program. Congratulation to all the committee, because the cooperation of your all, only the program can held with successful!Cheer up!!

1st August, shelyn's birthday. Actually we want to give her a surprise, but finally fail. This is because she know our "style" already. Quite disappointed because can't make her cry. Next year we will add oil!must make her cry once!haha...Happy belated birthday to her...^^
Congratulation to my dear roommate:
You had carried out the program successfully even we all are busy recently...You hav done a gud job even tired still can complete ur task well..
Just only one photo got me...Should put more..Haha
hehe..i still have some activity haven write..will update soon de..
wait ya..^^
ermm, i still have tang lung festival need people..u wan help?
Become ur assistant is it?
Ermm..Can consider...
my ass oredi have many le lo..
as a member can lo...
Ur assistant oredy many ya...
sien lo...
Think again lo...Under wat if i join?
wow...seems like im de 主角 for dis blog leh...
so proud wor...
we all start to 实行 de concept satu rumah satu hati liao...
so there wil b more n more photos in our blog after dis...
lou tai,rili thanks 2 u 4 everything we have done 2gether...thanks for ur 陪伴 all these times...
hope we will gambate 2gether for the coming days and all of us will love each other like own family...
哇靠 200++ photos we took yea?so 夸张 ne...i thk ppl all thk us curi curi take many photos when a yew not in...hehe...
we oso 狡猾 ne...=P
rili happy spending times together n also wif all our housemates n frens...=)
hehe...i reply u liao..dun complaint me anymore lo..
ya, i am also happy that we both can do anything together, enjoy and happy...
hope we can keep it o..
haha, next time ah yew will separate us since we will take photo all the time when we are work together...^^
i will organized tanglung festival with cooperative other college too...busy is good but have to rmb this year would be your year rite? haha..
fatt, i know this year was my year la..thanks to remind me...^^
but anyway, invite me if u really cooperate with other college lo..
i want to join if can..^^
i meant college inside my U haha...u surely can come 1...always welcome ur all...
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