Saturday, October 1, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Working life~:)
Long time I didn’t update my blog. I think I have promise somebody will update my blog to share my working life. 13th June was the first day at the company. There had one thing that was surprised me. A Cantonese slogan “ The world is small!!”. One of my colleagues was knew my ex-housemate. They are same school during the secondary school. After that, there have another one case, which is also my colleagues, she was knew my current housemate, they also knew each others for 10 ten years! Sound weird right? I become “middle” person between them.
Opps, seem like I out of topic already. :)
Alright, let me share some experience of my working life. Currently I am work as a trainee software developer. The company was concentrate on TDN which means that will convert the input file that given by sender to xml file, then sent it to receiver. This was just the big picture of how was the process of translation is. Task will be given almost everyday, what I need to do was update or write some custom code with using C++ language based on customer requirement. Besides that, there have others language that used by company which included C#, java, linus and so on. Some projects are included e-catalogue, CRM, web-portal, scanpack and mobile.
The working environment was quite good, it not really stress and all people are nice, they take care of trainee and have some briefing to let us know the working flow of each department. Hopefully I can learn a lot in that company~J
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Another stage for my life

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
2D1N Malacca Trip - Part II
Thursday, January 20, 2011
2D1N trip-Malacca (Part I)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Facebook-Good or Bad?
Facebook, a popular name among those who are so into it. People who have an account in Facebook almost spend most of their time to socialize with other people. I am one of them who use Facebook frequently. I had been used Facebook since last two years, and I found that Facebook serves numerous advantages, it also proves to have certain disadvantages as well. There have several reason that log in to Facebook was one of the task that I will do in everyday. The main reason was the update announcement made by faculty or lecturer, will be spread out by friends via Facebook. Hence, I will not miss out any important announcement or news especially during the final exam, so that I will not going to miss any tips that given by lecturer.
Besides, I can search my friends via Facebook since this was an online networking services and popular among the young crowd regardless of the age, race and country. Every young people, even old people are having an account of Facebook. So, it can help me search my old friend and new friend more easily.
As I said before, Facebook also have its disadvantages as well if we used it in improper way. Rampant addiction was the most serious problem at that moment. Some of us were used it by just log in to play game, view status and video posted by friend and so on. All those activities were wasting time and contributed wide-range procrastination. Facebook was seriously influent daily life of those people who were addicted in it. There had a news that impressed me which was happened in China. A grandfather tied his grandson more than 10 hours due to his grandson addicted to Facebook. His grandfather adviced him for many time but failed. Hence, his grandfather forces to treat him that way to stop him by using Facebook.
As a conclusion, Facebook increase the communication and connection between friends and online community, but it also increase the risk of procrastination and makes it easier for others to stalk a user. In my opinion, Facebook maybe can have some improvement of the system to overcome shortcomings of Facebook especially security problem and accuracy of information.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Joy and happy moment