26th May, was my first day spends with Mama Walia. I called her Mama because she would like us call her Mama. She was a nice and open mind trainer, and I am sure I can learn some specific soft-skill from her.
The soft-skill is important to people, especially for those who are going to present and sell their idea frequently. After attended the first class, I realized that among of us was not perform well in communication skills. We all are scare to speak and lack of confident (maybe some of them are confident in themselves, but I don’t know^^) when we are speak. But, never mind, this was only the first day of the soft-skill training, there have still two more day that I can learn the skill.
Actually, I am very appreciated this training, because this training was free of charge. I heard Mama said that it will cost over four thousand if we are joined this MDEC program at the outside. Some more, we get two book for free and this is limitation book. How lucky we are, right? Besides that, we also can get an allowance at the end of the program. I think there was over one hundred per person, but this all are not important since the main reason that I participate in this program I hope I can improve my program skill and communication skill. Oh ya, there have one more I would like to add, which is this program only choose 25 people, and I am one of lucky that had been choose.
Today, I am learning some soft-skill, and tomorrow, I am going to judge people who are present in front of people and learn from mistake. After that, on Saturday, is turn me to present in front of the people and cannot make the same mistake as my friend did before. Hopefully, my presentation will not make bore to others people and at least will able to attract their attention.
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